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Positive Behavior Plan Samples and Templates

Positive Behavior Support Plan


Behavior impacting learning is:  impulsivity, kicking and throwing self to floor, disrupts class room, and recess/ unstructured activities

It impedes learning because: he is unavailable for instruction,disrupts others and teacher

Estimate of current severity of behavior problem: moderate to severe

Current frequency / intensity / duration of behavior: 3-4 / week, sometimes, up to 3 times/day

Current predictors for behavior:  teasing / rejection by peers, overstimulation, inability to express self, “sensory overload”, unexpected changes in routine, transitions,  unstructured activities

What should student do instead of this behavior: learn to communicate frustrations with adult guidance either through story telling or drawing pictures about his feelings, learn to “walk away” from frustration

What supports the student using the problem behavior: misunderstanding or misinterpretation of his behaviors and communicative intent

Behavioral Goals/ Objectives related to this plan: development of age appropriate social skills, coping skills, and self-monitoring, increased tolerance to change in routine, and the development of positive replacement behaviors

Are curriculum accommodations necesary? yes / no    Is there a curriculum accommodation plan?...yes / no

Teaching Strategies for new behavior instruction:, validation of feelings and offering alternative replacement behaviors in the form of  1-2  choices, consistency of social skills development with “social stories”, consistent encouragement to “use words”, use clear, simple directions, ignore inappropriate behavior whenever possible............ By: teacher, aides, parents

Environmental structure and supports, time/space/materials/interactions: consistency in routine, designate a “safe place” to calm down, using favorite toys, books or activities engage him in a desired activity, avoid confrontation through calmness, negotiation, choices, diversion of attention, do not use physical force except for immediate safety concerns, anticipate predictors of behavior and avoid or prepare for intervention......By: teacher, aides, parents

Reinforcers/ rewards:  immediately reward appropriate behaviors, lots of smiles, verbal praise, read stories of his choice, outside play, being a “helper”, “special “jobs”, seating next to a positive peer role model, “Social Stories’ book, puzzles, art projects, computer time/games....... By: teacher, aides, parents..... often as possible, with gradual reduction according to consistent change in behaviors.......... By: teacher, aides, parents

Reactive strategy to employ if behavior occurs again: offer “safe place” to calm down, validate his feelings, offer 1-2 choices of alternative behavior, or diversion of attention

By:  teacher, aides, parents

Monitoring results and Communication: options: daily, weekly reports, by phone: leave message, write in “Communication Book” to be sent home on Fridays, IEP Team should meet 4-6 weeks after implementation  to discuss results of plan and make any necessary changes  

(Working document for in-services on behavior, Diana Browning Wright, So. Cal. Diagnostic Center, CA. Dept. of Education)

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Revised: January 25, 2002

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